Thursday, February 9, 2012

What's in a name?

Except for celebrities, who are infamous for naming their offspring with some pretty unusual monikers; "Moxie Crime Fighter", "Kal-El" and the like, business people spend time & effort trying for the "PERFECT" name to exemplify the company they are presenting. But there can be serious problems with some of the outcomes. I know you want people to know you are "reliable", "trustworthy", "responsible", and all, but keep in mind that the first time something goes wrong....and it will....even for the most careful owner, you will have that name used against you. Suddenly you will be "UN-reliable Widgets, "UM-trustworthy Knick-Knacks, and NOT-Responsible Whatever".

Nobody means it to happen, but it does. So think hard and use words that actually describe what you do.... Maybe you really are "Fast & Pretty", but unless you add "Make-Up Specialist" the jokes will just keep on coming.

Just saying........

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