Thursday, September 29, 2011

Is that your phone ringing?

Okay pretend you have a clearly defined budget and have advertised and promoted yourself and your business. Here's the BIG question !!

Why don't you answer your phone? Why do you let the "machine" take the call for you.

People like to talk to people, even when they don't get all the answers they want - at least they spoke to a human being.

Survey after survey, by large margins, tell us that when we call to respond to an ad, radio promotion or flyer our "want gland" has been activated. Maybe our "need" gland. Now that the Activation Sequence is going, the itching starts....and who do we talk to? Your answering machine. The one you hooked up to your home phone and tried to make sound like you are busy, busy, busy.

Its tough out here in small business-land. Every call is important - answer it. Since we don't have Coca-Cola's budget we can't afford to irritate even 1 or 2 potential clients. Plus, good call, bad call, indifferent - you'll get better at communication, gain experience, and know-how. You'll be a silver-tounged devil in no time.

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